Two tried and tested methods to get your mama to spend less time at work and more time with you:
Method 1: Get your family sick.
My strategy for finding a germ is to try to put everything within your reach into your mouth, if your mama tries to stop you, touching everything you can get your hands on and then sucking on your fists is also effective. If your mama is stubborn you may have to pass the germs to your daddy and get him sick too. Like me, you may have to resort to extreme measures like also passing the germs to your mama so she absolutely cannot go to work.
Extra time with Mama: 2 workdays
Caveat: Mama will be sick. If you don't jump around too much she'll probably still cuddle you all day long.
Method 2: Hold your breath.
If you hold your breath often like I do, you may have to step things up a bit to get the required effect. I had to refuse to take my medication and start breath holding more frequently for an entire week. Middle of the night breath-holds are the best and if you hold your breath to the point of passing out and slowing your heart rate you can really get their attention. If your mama is like mine she will mention this to the doctors and they will not like it one single bit. Then you will get to stay in the hospital again and your mama will stay with you!
Extra time with Mama: 2.5 workdays
Caveat: You will be in the hospital. On the plus side, while you're there you can restock your soothie stash.
And now its the weekend and mama's not going to work anyway.
What should I plan for next week?