

This week

In the last week of August Drew:
  • displayed his love for peanut butter
  • ate a lot of blueberries
  • fine-tuned his fine motor skills (we didn't teach him this, he figured it out on his own)

  • learned the signs for hot (daddy's coffee), cold, wet (the wading pool at the park), up & down, (although I think he thinks up-down is one word, since he only ever does them together), boy & girl (he previously referred to all children with the sign for "baby" and all adults with the sign for "grandma" or "grandpa" which was starting to get embarrassing; this week we'll work on "man" and "woman")
  • continued to be bossy about hat wearing (certain hats for certain tasks, everyone MUST participate)

  • happily tried multiple olives, but continued to refuse red fruit
  • developed a strong attachment to an empty baking soda container
I will no longer be asking for his help in taking out the recycling. Last week it was an empty milk jug that had to accompany us on a picnic at the playground:
  • Found Mama's old running watch in the night stand and insisted on wearing it everywhere

(In other news, we are finally remembering to take the camera along more often!)


Saturday Morning Visitor

This morning we found this guy on the bathroom ceiling:
(rotated, zoomed, and enhanced so you can appreciate his sinister red eyes)

We caught him with a cup and a index card:
(Drew is doing the sign for bug)

We transferred him to a vase for better viewing:

This provided hours of entertainment:
Until we set him free outside.