- displayed his love for peanut butter
- ate a lot of blueberries
- fine-tuned his fine motor skills (we didn't teach him this, he figured it out on his own)
- learned the signs for hot (daddy's coffee), cold, wet (the wading pool at the park), up & down, (although I think he thinks up-down is one word, since he only ever does them together), boy & girl (he previously referred to all children with the sign for "baby" and all adults with the sign for "grandma" or "grandpa" which was starting to get embarrassing; this week we'll work on "man" and "woman")
- continued to be bossy about hat wearing (certain hats for certain tasks, everyone MUST participate)
- happily tried multiple olives, but continued to refuse red fruit
- Found Mama's old running watch in the night stand and insisted on wearing it everywhere
(In other news, we are finally remembering to take the camera along more often!)