is where the heart is. Or so they say. I think it's where the Drew is.
Being home with Drew is awesome. I can't believe how nice it is to now have this time with just the three of us (and some visitors sometimes). This past week has been our new baby at home phase and we're slowly working out the kinks. Right now Drew's care is a two person job twenty-four hours a day. We do our best to take shifts at night but it's usually hard to sleep through any of his alarms (we can't hear him cry so he makes alarms sound instead). Despite this, being at home is much easier and much more enjoyable than going to the hospital. Understatement of the century I suppose. We are supposed to get nursing support for eight hours a day (respite care - bet there are many a new parent who wish they had that) but apparently nurses are hard to come by so we don't have much support yet. And to be honest, right now we don't really want it. I'm sure we'll change our tune down the line but at this point we're enjoying taking care of Drew on our own. (Karla is planning on posting about the details at some point for all those question askers out there)
While I want to put our time at the hospital (70 days) behind me I don't want to be quick to forget it. Yes it was tough, but as we've stated before we have so much to be thankful for. I wrote earlier how the bible is full of God's promises. One of those promises is that He will give you strength in times of need which will be sufficient for the time. I was reminded of this by one of Drew's nurses and then again today in an article I glanced at. This promise is true and good, great actually, and extremely comforting and empowering. And we're thankful for the strength. But what about when the tough times end or the valley bottom is left in the distance? By no means is Drew out of the woods yet. We still don't know why he doesn't breathe properly, he still has extreme breath holding spells and he doesn't swallow properly (to be explained by Karla) but we're on to a new chapter and things are much better. We're definitely heading up the mountain. In this I hope we rely on God's strength and faithfulness just as much as when we were at the worst. I also hope that we continue to be thankful.
Well, there is one Dutch nurse who would love to come to Vancouver to help out, but sure it is not very practicle considering the distance I guess. I think you are doing a great job the three of you!
David.... Karla ... Drew ..... I love you.
(David I think you may have missed your calling, you are beautiful in your use of your words
ps. I look forward to Karla's answer/explaining blog!
It's always best to be home. What an absolute joy it must be after those long days at the hospital. We're positive that the right nurse will come along just when you need her. But then, it sounds like you two are old pros at figuring out Drew's schedule. Lots of love from us and sending you another big hug.
should I start some nursing hours for you? I will bring my calendar next time I'm over.
look at drew all grown up in his jeans! my questions to be answered in karla's upcoming blog are regarding what a typical day for you is like.
love christina
Happy Mommys Day Karla!
Isn't it a wonderful feeling? Your 1st Mothers day :o)
I hope Drew showers you with smiles, giggles & drool, (that is how he shows his love for his mommy after all!)
Have a beautiful day "mommy"
Love Aunty Lela ~ xoxo
Thanks for all the Blog posts David and Karla. Drew sure is a cutie! I am so glad for all 3 of you that you can actually call home home again!
Love Krystal
It's wonderful that Drew is able to go home! God gives many blessings. Keeping you in my prayers.
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