

You should see the other guy

Drew has always been one to dive head first into things, and now that he pulls himself up on everything the bruises are frequent and the blood was, well, inevitable. He gave himself this doozie this morning. (the yellowing bruise beside it was from an enthusiastic lurch towards to bathroom faucet earlier in the week).

I think it looks a lot worse than it is since he won't let us wipe off the blood. I guess he just wants to look like a tough hockey player for his first birthday. Maybe it has something to do with watching NHL highlights with Daddy...


Christina Lopez said...

ouch! what a tough guy. he doesn't looked fazed by the blood, but it's still no fun to see your baby bruised and battered. (p.s. 'twas i who commented on the last post, not realizing lopez was signed in)

Jo/Bob said...

awwwww, and they bruise so quickly don't they? A helmet for a birthday gift perhaps? :)

Dr. Paul said...

wow Drew...I'm not even mad..that's just impressive!

Take it easy around the eyes though buddy, you only get 2!