


It's time to shop for a stroller. I remember thinking about this back in the heady, innocent days of pregnancy. Looking for strollers reminds me of shopping for a car; down to the not-too-pushy but strangely friendly sales-people. Who knew that strollers had so many features that I didn't know I even needed? Now if I could only find one with a remote control... Which takes me to what we do need. A stroller that can equip the added weight of a ventilator, suction machine, emergency supplies and yes, even a baby and maybe some diapers too. Despite all of that I am actually excited for this. Getting a stroller means we're going to put Drew in it, which means we're one step closer to going home.

Getting a stroller also makes me feel somewhat normal. This is the kind of thing that Dad's are supposed to do. I say this with a measure of sarcasm as doing normal dad things at normal baby places is a relative thing. Facing this "outside of the expected normal experience" of having a sick baby has forced me to view the "expected normal experience" from the outside. There is a certain point when our expectations mold our actions. I can all to easily fall into the trap of my wanted expectations leading my actions rather than my calling (calling opens a whole new can of worms but please read calling as my life as a follower of Jesus Christ - everything). Am I proceeding in hope or am I walking with a sense of entitlement? (For a perspective on entitlement read the book of Romans in the New Testament) And what are my wanted expectations and are they valid?

As we endeavor to pray in all things with thanksgiving I pray that we are able to respond appropriately to whatever is thrown our way. I pray that our expectations are defined and lead by our calling. I pray that any sense of entitlement we have doesn't cause us to become bitter when things happen outside our expectations. We also don't give up hope of a healing miracle for Drew.

Time to get a stroller.



Zepmom said...

Drew is an exceptionally adorable child! We've been blessed to read your updates and regularly lift your family to our God in prayer.

Judi Lopez (as in Lopez' mom!)

Anonymous said...

Dear Karla, David and Drew......In early 2009 i saw a 2 year old toddler with a ventilator in a stroller - it was a pretty nifty fit - the ventilator was on the backside of the seat. They exist but i do not know the brand!! Aunt Jane
God Bless You in the search aand in all things!!

Unknown said...

Just want you to know that we also have hope and continue to pray daily that God will miraculously heal Drew. Love Liza, Ben and Claire.

Julie said...

Dave and Karla,

We have been following your blog and inclduding you and your family in our prayers. Your strength is such a testimony!

I don't know if you have ideas for a stroller already, but just in case you haven't seen them there are "Sit n' Stand" strollers that have an extra "jump seat" behind the front seat that are meant to carry the weight of a toddler. even when used with a car seat. It might work to convert into space for a ventilator instead. Thought I'd throw the idea out there! Joovy Caboose and Baby Trend are two brands I know of.

Drew is so stinkin' cute, we'll continue to lift you up in prayer and hope for miraculous healing!

Julie Holt (Vanderlee)

Chris and Christina said...

just look at that cute little face!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Well how's "our" baby doing? The cutie-pa-tootie is sure growing fast.... wonderful to see him so alert now.
Did you find the perfect stroller? Any news on when you get to take him home? Any breakthrough on the cause of Drew's non-breathing condition? (am I hinting that we may need an update on your blog? No pressures
We continue to love you & pray for you from afar....
Love Aunty Lela