

First Hike

Yesterday we took Drew on the Deep Cove lookout trail for his first hike.

Daddy carried:
  • Drew
Mommy carried:
  • suction machine
  • saline for suctioning
  • 2 spare trach tubes
  • emergency trach ties
  • scissors and tweezers
  • emergency resuscitation bag
  • 8 suction catheters
  • 2 manual suction catheters (should the suction machine fail)
  • 2 heat moisture exchangers
  • 2 saline bullets for suctioning
  • 3 diapers
And the ventilator? we left that sucker at home.



Anonymous said...

A hike!! Sounds like freedom and I bet you have sorely missed hiking and are absolutely thrilled for yesterday even though there is that packsack of paraphernalia to be carried.
Our prayers are with your family as Mommy goes back to the research lab!! We are thankful for God's provision. love from auntie jane

Anonymous said...

OK, I "ditto" everything Auntie Jane said... & being true to my curious nature now have a question to ask.
The ventilator... "what good is all the other stuff without it? 'plain please!"

Drew you're a cutie ~ look at the size of you! (Maybe a football player?) Aunty loves your little dimple....

Praying that your transition back into the workforce is easy on you Karla & praying that Dave doesn't resort to the likes of "Daddy Daycare" (remember that movie?)

Love you ~ xoxo
Aunty Lela

Jo/Bob said...

lobjsYAHOO !!!!!

and the person who carried more weight is ?????

We'll be thinking of you next week - we know it can be done!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Love his cheeks, hope to catch up with the three of you soon - K Teixeira

Anonymous said...

Drew, you look ready to tackle Kinniskan Lake, Iskut River and NATADESLEEN. Bring uncle animal, his dad and uncle Curtis. It looks time to introduce you to men's camping!!!! Auntie Laura would say " WOOT,WOOT, I'm coming too"

David + Karla + Drew said...

For the ever-curious Auntie Lela:
Even though we can disconnect the ventilator and leave it behind, Drew still always has the tracheostomy and therefore we have to be ready for routine and emergency care. One of regular things we need to do is suction out his trach tube. Normally everyone has lung secretions that they work up their trachea and then swallow, but since Drew's airway is blocked with the tube these secretions get caught in the tube and make a gurgly wheezy sound with every breath. They have to be regularly suctioned out hence all the suctioning equipment. In addition if the tube does get clogged or dislodged we need to be prepared to do an emergency tube change, hence all the emergency equipment. We also carried a resuscitation bag that we can use to manually "breathe" for him if he did stop breathing (which he doesn't do anymore, but still better to be safe).

Anonymous said...

You guys look great- Im so glad you could take Drew for a hike. James and I did the same one!! Praying that all goes well for you as Karla starts up work soon and Dave stays home with Drew.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. :o)
Now you know where Josh gets his curious nature from! ('cept mine doesn't get me into trouble..... any more!)

Drew no longer stops breathing?! Prayers have been heard & answered!

Would love to actually meet you in preson Drew (would love to spend time with your mommy & daddy too)

Love your pictures, love your updates & love you 3 immensely.
Aunty Lela ~ xox

Unknown said...

Dave and Karla,

You two continue to inspire me with your seemingly abounding courage, strength, and joy despite all the challenges that come your way.

Drew is obviously still gorgeous, and oh so charming (especially now he's got those lovely dimples chubby cheeks and so much hair).

Praying for a miracle.