

A walk at the beach

"wave to mommy!"

Family Self-portrait Fail:
uh. missed the little guy

"I don't think he's happy"***

After we walked that off and tried again in a new spot:
don't you love the scenic Vancouver skyline?

no scenery and no smile.
shortly after we realized he badly needed a diaper change. oops. parenting fail.


***because Drew's tracheostomy causes him to inhale and exhale below his vocal cords, he does not pass air over his voice box and is therefore totally silent (he's a convenient apartment model baby who never bothers the neighbours). this presents a number of challenges, one of them being that unless we can see his face it is difficult to know if he is upset (as you can tell it is immediately evident when you look at him).


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures guys... as parents we've all had a "parental fail" ~ you'll have one or two more for sure! (lol)

Thanks for the info. on the trach. I have a question 'bout it. Once Drew doesn't need the trach. any more (I know the day will come when he won't!) will he then have his voice?
OK I may have another question.... Have the doctors gained any more insight to what is causing Drews condition?

How about you Dave, are your headaches any better?
Karla I do hope you're allowing yourself time for yourself...

We'll miss you this weekend.
Love, hugs & kisses ~ Aunty Lela

Jo/Bob said...

The pictures are all beautiful - what a great family you have.

Anonymous said...
just another parenting tip :)
thanks for the blogging
aunty jo