

Packing on the pounds

Apparently lying around flat on your back for 10 days while your food gets delivered straight to your tummy is conducive to packing on the pounds. Our little Drew now weighs in at 8 lbs 7 oz, nearly 2 lbs above his birth weight (and still 1.5 lbs below his mommy's weight when she was born!)

Lying around flat on your back is also conducive to flattening the back of your head. Next week we start working on looking side to side to try and round it out again.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David and Karla,
I am so amazed and thankful that you are sharing your greatest joy and greatest struggle with us. I am and will continue to pray daily for your precious Drew and you as well. He is so beautiful. I love all the pictures you share. And we can see that he is growing. Trusting God for His perfect will for your family.
Suzanne and Harold Holubowski