


I'm not sure when Karla decided to claim the spot of family comedian. So far all of my blog post ideas are of the thought provoking or serious nature...I think...maybe that isn't true and what I think is thought provoking is mere child's play for the rest of you. You be the judge.

Before I proceed I want to apologize to all you grammar geeks out there (you know who you are). If I misplace, a comma or uses badder grammar or misuse! punctuation please forgive me. And maybe try to ease off on the nerd factor too. I always find it ironic that grammar geeks are so proud of this nerdy tendency. I digress.

I've noticed that when something alarming happens, something that shakes us out of our daily lives, the statement: "Really puts things in perspective eh?" is declared. Whenever I hear this I tend to bristle. After some reflection I think I know why I respond this way. Two reasons: a) I have heard the statement in relation to my own life plenty of times, and b) there is a need for us to seek or, at least, acknowledge the need for perspective. Part of my annoyance to the statement boils down to my attitude that, "I have plenty of perspective thank you very much. Why don't you get some."

Because I don't want to bore you with an overly long blog post, I will add more on the topic of perspective at a later date. To be continued as it were.

Before I end here is a quick update: Drew's surgery has been scheduled for Monday at noon. We look forward to this but the next week will be hard. Post-operative, Drew will be heavily sedated for about one week as he needs time to heal. We will miss his alert and squirmy awake times but know that it is imperative that his tracheotomy heals properly.

Please pray that the surgery proceeds without complication, that healing is fast and smooth, that Drew will remain properly intubated through the weekend (he likes to self extubate on Sundays) and that we will have patience during his times of sedated recovery. Also continue to pray for healing. It is easy to get caught up in the medical necessities of our situation. Pray that our hope remains on the One who gives us hope, not on the means by which Drew is treated.


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