


(With the risk of over posting, we post again...)

This is a picture of tonight's supper, courtesy of Scott (Uncle Animal) and Cathy. It is an appropriate representation of the support we have been receiving. Unbelievably awesome! And every single other meal we have received has been top notch. From the lasagnas, soups, homemade bread, pasta, stew (mmmm Murphy meat), salads, desserts, freshly baked cookies, scones, muffins, loaf, scotch and on and on.

As Karla said, you guys really are +++. I can't state enough how significant it has been to have all of you supporting us. Every single encouragement - words and actions - helps us get through our days. If you ever think about encouraging someone, follow through and actually do it. We can attest to the fact that it makes a huge difference.

God has given us much reason to be thankful as He uses you to bless us. We pray that as you bless, you will be blessed by Him.



Laura J said...

The two of you have always been awesome but now you're awesomer 'cause baby Drew has arrived on the scene. Just wanted to use the word awesomer.

Here's to people loving each other!! woot woot!

Anonymous said...

You can never overblog! Thinking of you - your strength, courage and positive outlook - thinking that in a few more sleeps, you can hold your baby again; how perfect is that? Jo/Bob

Anonymous said...

I agree ~ you can't over blog.... actually I'm missing my morning "blog read"..... You're blog has become part of my morning routine (and after noon routine & evening routine... never know when you'll update it!)
You "3" are the first thing I think (pray) of when I wake up & the last thing I think (pray) of before I go to sleep.

Love you ~ love Aunty Lela